Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cuckoo's Nest

I'm doing this one in D, since that's how I first learned it and how I most often hear it in jams. I understand it's also played in G or in E minor in some circles.

I'm working on a twin guitar arrangement that I used to play with my friend Kevin back in Oklahoma. I believe he got it from Doc & Merle--I've challenged myself to figure it out rather than try to look it up, so it'll probably come out a bit different.

Here's the guitar tab and the twin part. It's a capo 2 arrangement.

Here's the mandolin tab.

Here's how the guitar, twin, and mandolin tabs sound together:

Chords (no capo):
no capo
A part  |: D | A | C | G | D | D G | D A | D :|
B part  |: D | D | C | C | D | D G | D A | D :|

Here are the rhythm tracks:
Cuckoo's Nest 150 bpm
Cuckoo's Nest 170 bpm
Cuckoo's Nest 195 bpm
And a zip file of all tempos (48 MB)

The performance of this tune that always comes to mind for me is the one Nickel Creek did on their first album--just such a great job.

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